Noir Enigma

“Noir Enigma” seamlessly blends Afro-American and European jazz modernism with cinematic noir elements, lush orchestral textures, and funk influences, showcasing a journey through noir jazz and AI-generated music.

Building New Collectives

During the “AI Experiment” vernissage at Lovelab Berlin Sophie interviews Tim Ra on the elementary essence of art.

AI Experiment

Over the past 365 days, Tim Ra has embarked on a fantastical journey inside artificial intelligence to explore the aesthetic, cultural and social fabric of AI art, reaching millions on social media with messages both challenging and empowering.


A Curated Lovelab Portfolio

AI Experiment Vernissage

Grand Exhibition “AI Experiment” @ Friendly Society Berlin.

Black Lotus Warriors

The Black Lotus Warriors are on the move, sharpening their blades guarding the streets of Tokyo. Descendants of Yasuke, the first black Samurai, they patrol the city with acute alertness – and deadly force when necessary.


The tale of the Onna-Oyabun, or the Yakuza godmother, is deeply ingrained in Japanese mainstream consciousness, thanks in large part to pop cultural influences such as the “Yakuza Wives” series and the character of O-ren Ishii from Kill Bill.

Beyond the Divide

“We are not above nature, but rather a part of it”. Mahatma Gandhi

Future Love

When the boundaries of flesh and circuitry dissolved, humans and androids discovered a profound intimacy.


Continually producing bizarre and multicolored formations, the ocean on the planet Solaris has the ability to create deceptively real copies of humans.

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